What is Warrior Ethos?

Warrior ethos is the guiding principle that someone fighting for something bigger than themselves often holds themselves to. Various military branches worldwide coined the term to describe that, as warriors, they live by certain principles.

From there, first responders, most notably police officers, began using the term to describe what they stand for. Let’s dive into warrior ethos and how it shapes first responders as they navigate addiction and mental illness.

How Warrior Ethos Shapes First Responders

First responders are often the first on the scene for a variety of issues society faces. Police officers respond to crime scenes. Firefighters run headfirst into fires. EMTs are the first on the scene of medical emergencies. SWAT members, highway patrol officers, coast guard members, and more make up the first responders that serve the community at large. Each of these first responders has a warrior ethos or principles they live by.

When you envision a warrior, you think of heroism, courage, and strength. First responders embody these words. They live every day to protect the communities they serve. But they can’t do that if they can’t take care of themselves. How does the community trust them to do their job? This is the mentality that first responders carry with them every day they go to work.

Organizations train their warriors to do their job well. They give them the education, training, tools, and ongoing development to ensure they know what to do in the field. This type of training isn’t something the average person ever receives in life. The situations first responders come face-to-face with aren’t scenarios most people ever encounter.

Investing in each first responder's skillset helps them do their job better and helps them in other areas of their lives. They take pride in what they do. They take pride in saving lives and helping the community they live in. When first responders are struggling, they still have to save lives and face harrowing situations.

Why Does Warrior Ethos Stop First Responders from Seeking Help?

The pillar of strength every first responder carries bleeds into their personal life. When they struggle with issues outside of work, they feel they should be able to handle them. When it comes to addiction, substance abuse, and mental health issues that arise from the job's stress, it’s harder for them to ask for help. They’re seen as vital by their family, friends, and community – admitting they need help shows weakness. This goes against the warrior ethos they take pride in as a first responder.

First Responders First understands warrior ethos and the pride first responders take in saving lives. This understanding helps them get the help they need when they need it the most. With First Responders First, our heroes will find a caring, compassionate staff that understands the ins and outs of what they face head-on with every call they answer. We’re here to answer their call and support them on the road to recovery. Contact us today.